Understanding The Yield Line Component Method For Bolted Flange Connections: A Technical Review And Errata

The “Yield Line Component Method for Bolted Flange Connections” is a crucial approach for assessing the strength and stability of bolted connections, particularly in steel structures. This method, detailed by Bo Dowswell in various engineering journals, leverages the yield line theory to evaluate local flange bending, accounting for factors like prying action and bolt configuration. This article will delve into the method’s principles and discuss any relevant errata affecting its application.

Overview Of The Yield Line Component Method

The Yield Line Component Method was developed to provide a more accurate assessment of bolted flange connections, especially in configurations with varied bolt spacing and edge distances. The technique focuses on the yield line—a theoretical line indicating where plastic deformations occur—within the flange under load. This approach allows engineers to predict how the flange will behave under tension, considering both bolt tension and flange bending​.

This method also includes considerations for prying action, a phenomenon that increases bolt tension due to the deformation of the flange. Prying action can significantly impact the connection’s stability, and the Yield Line Component Method incorporates this factor to provide a more robust design, especially in configurations with web stiffeners and large spacing​.

Key Adjustments And Errata

Recent technical discussions have introduced errata that refine the method’s assumptions and calculations. These updates focus on factors such as the effective length for bending assessments, the choice between yield and tensile stresses, and how bolt spacing influences the connection’s overall strength. Adjustments to these parameters have been made to better match empirical data, ensuring that the predictions align with actual performance in structural tests​.

Another aspect covered in the errata involves the impact of bolt holes on flange strength. The modifications clarify how to adjust bending calculations to account for these interruptions, making the method more applicable to a wider variety of structural scenarios​.

Applications In Structural Engineering

The Yield Line Component Method is widely used for designing connections in steel structures, particularly when dealing with wide flange members. Its accuracy has been validated through numerous studies and experiments, comparing predictions with real-world data. This method is particularly advantageous in situations where traditional approaches, such as standard prying action calculations, fall short due to non-standard geometries​.

This method is highly adaptable, suitable for configurations involving stiffened or unstiffened flanges, varied bolt arrangements, and different edge distances. These attributes make it a versatile tool in modern structural design, particularly for applications requiring high precision in load-bearing assessments.


The Yield Line Component Method for bolted flange connections remains a critical tool for structural engineers, particularly in the context of complex steel configurations. By incorporating factors like prying action and adjusting for bolt spacing, the method offers a reliable means to ensure safety and stability. Recent errata and updates provide further clarity, aligning theoretical calculations with experimental observations. Understanding these adjustments is essential for accurate design and application in structural projects.


  1. What is the Yield Line Component Method for bolted flange connections?
    • It is a structural analysis method that evaluates the strength of bolted flange connections by predicting the yield line, a point of plastic deformation within the flange.
  2. How does prying action affect bolted flange connections?
    • Prying action increases the tension on bolts due to the deformation of the flange, and it is a critical factor considered in the Yield Line Component Method to ensure accurate strength assessments.
  3. What adjustments have been highlighted in the errata for this method?
    • Adjustments focus on bending calculations for bolt holes, effective length for bending, and choices between yield and tensile stresses, enhancing the method’s accuracy.
  4. Why is this method significant in structural engineering?
    • It provides a detailed and adaptable approach to designing steel structures, especially when traditional methods are limited by unique geometries or configurations.
  5. Where can I find more information on the Yield Line Component Method?
    • You can explore publications from the American Institute of Steel Construction and detailed research available through journals like the Engineering Journal.