Who Are The Collier County Primary Candidates? A Comprehensive Election Guide

The Collier County primary elections play a pivotal role in shaping the local leadership and policies that directly impact the community. Understanding the candidates vying for various positions is essential for informed voting. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the primary candidates for key offices in Collier County.

Collier County Primary Candidates

The primary elections feature candidates across multiple offices, including county commissioners, constitutional officers, and state representatives. Below is a breakdown of the candidates for significant positions:

County Commission Races

  • District 1:
    • Republican Primary: Incumbent Rick LoCastro is running unopposed in the Republican primary. A write-in candidate, Michaela Kendall, has entered the race, ensuring it proceeds to the general election.
  • District 3:
    • Republican Primary: Candidates include John C. Johnson, Frank Roberts, incumbent Burt Saunders, and Floyd “Tag” Yarnell. The winner will face no-party-affiliate candidate Richard Conover in the general election.
  • District 5:
    • Republican Primary: Incumbent William L. McDaniel Jr. is challenged by Ralph Rodriguez. No other candidates have filed, making this race open to all voters in the primary, with the winner securing the seat.

Constitutional Offices

  • Property Appraiser:
    • Republican Primary: Candidates are Vickie Downs, Richard Lussy, Jim Molenaar, and Julian Stokes Jr. A write-in candidate, Darren Dione Aquino, has entered the race, closing the primary to only registered Republicans.
  • Supervisor of Elections:
    • Republican Primary: Incumbent Melissa Blazier faces challengers Tim Guerrette and Dave Schaffel. A write-in candidate, Edward Joseph Gubala, has closed the primary to registered Republicans.

State Representative Races

  • District 81:
    • Republican Primary: Candidates include Yvette Benarroch and Greg Folley. The winner will face Democrat Charles “Chuck” Work in the general election.

School Board Elections

School board races are non-partisan and open to all voters:

  • District 2:
    • Incumbent Stephanie Lucarelli is challenged by Pam Cunningham.
  • District 4:
    • Candidates are Erick Carter and Tom Henning.

Importance of Participation

Engaging in primary elections is crucial, as they determine the candidates who will appear on the general election ballot and, in some cases, directly decide officeholders. Voter participation ensures that elected officials represent the community’s interests and uphold democratic values.

Staying engaged with local debates, campaign updates, and voting resources ensures that your voice is heard in choosing leaders who align with your vision for Collier County.


  1. Who can vote in the Collier County primary elections?
    • Eligibility depends on party affiliation and whether a race is open or closed. Some primaries are open to all voters, while others are restricted to party members.
  2. What is a closed primary?
    • A closed primary is an election where only registered party members can vote to choose their party’s candidate for the general election.
  3. How does a write-in candidate affect a primary election?
    • The presence of a write-in candidate can close a primary to only registered party members, limiting participation to those affiliated with the party.
  4. Where can I find more information about the candidates?
    • The Collier County Supervisor of Elections website provides detailed information on candidates, including financial reports and contact details.
  5. When are the primary elections held?
    • Primary election dates vary; it’s essential to check the Collier County Supervisor of Elections website for the most current information.

Staying informed about the candidates and participating in the electoral process is vital for the health of local governance and democracy.